Created by Emilio Vedova and his wife Annabianca, the Emilio and Annabianca Vedova Foundation is situated at Dorsoduro 46, at the Zattere in Venice. The main aim of the Foundation is to promote the art and work of Vedova and to highlight his importance in the history of 20th century art through a series of initiatives, such as studies, research projects, analyses, exhibitions, itineraries and teaching spaces, conferences, scholarships and prizes. The Foundation also plans to open a Centre for the Restoration of Modern and Contemporary Art Works.
The Foundation’s activities faithfully reflect the will of the great Venetian artist, who, when reflecting together with his wife on the nascent Foundation, stressed how the safekeeping and conservation of his works should not be separated from initiatives to promote knowledge about his art, also in collaboration with major international museums and cultural institutions. Moreover, he wished these initiatives should constantly be directed at exploring the themes of “painting – space – time – history”, which are in fact the fundamental elements of his art and his commitment.