The Fondazione Musicale Santa Cecilia promotes projects in order to favour both knowledge and diffusion of music culture.
Manages music masterclasses inspired by the State Conservatory programmes through a separate balance.
Manages masterclasses for young musicians, nonetheless, in collaboration with orchestras, masterclasses focused on the peculiar career development
Manages music orienteering classes with free programmes.
Promotes and manages concerts and research and experimentation, also in cooperation with other institutions, foundations and associations active in the music and cultural field. Is the promoter of the international music days in Portogruaro [Estate Musicale].
Manages courses for music professionals.
Develops, organizes and manages the orchestra, the band, the choirs of the Fondazione Musicale Santa Cecilia di Portogruaro.
Promotes and organizes meetings and travel-study aimed to exchange music focused experiences on a regional, national and international basis.
Offers internships.
Awards musicians and musicologists.
Promotes music research.