“Digital Venice 2014” is a high-level meeting, hosted by the City of Venice and promoted by the Italian Presidency of the European Council with the support of European Commission – DG Connect, that will gather policy, industry and innovation leaders from all over Europe to trace the road to a growing, sustainable digital economy.
The event, intended to be held every year, takes place at the start of the Italian Presidency to mark the emphasis placed by the Italian government on digital innovation as the key to sustainable economic development and boost to new employment. A “Venice Declaration” summarizing vision and recommendations will be presented by the Italian Presidency to be tabled at the next Digital Council.
Along with a high-level morning meeting between the Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, the European Commission Vice President Neelie Kroes, other prominent policy makers from other European Union member states and representatives of leading international digital companies, “Digital Venice 2014” will also host five workshops, during which some 300 innovators, government officers, experts and researchers will give their valuable contribution to the future European policies on the Digital Agenda.