The project proposal by Famul VideoLab for a group exhibition at gallery A plus A in Venice has been chosen and we the opening of the show called Cimri, ne Čimri will be on 20th March 2014!
Authors of the exhibition are Tomaž Burlin, Pila Rusjan, Noemi Veberič Levovnik and Valerie Wolf Gang. Our technicians on-spot will be Urša B. Potokar and Dejan Štefančič. Organisational, technical, media and partly financial support for the production is given by famulVideoLab, while L’Etna – Experimental Cinema Workshop is giving technical support to our dislocated member Tomaž in Paris. The exhibition is organised and co-financed by Obalne galerije Piran which is supported by Ministry of Culture and Municipality of Piran.
The concept of the exhibition is for the four individuals (the artists) to set multimedia ambiental installations in the gallery as if they were living there as flatmates (Slovenian: Cimri). They divided the gallery into seven rooms by their functionality and interpreted them each in their own artistic way. As in a real shared apartment, they will have to make compromises (on set-ups, light etc.), fight for their space for individual installations or even rethink a specific exhibited work regarding the one next to it. They will literally live in the gallery for one week prior to the opening and share their process on the Famul VideoLab blog, so, keep track!