There are 14 young artists and 7 graphs selected among 216 participants in the competition for the 96th Young Artists' Collective, a group exhibition of contemporary art in Italy thas has had several editions: it proceeds on an annual basis, except during war since 1908. The chosen will exhibit their work from December 15 in St. Mark's Square Gallery of the Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa. The jury grader this year proved to be especially careful and selective. Have been involved Andrea Bruciati, independent curator of Udine, Paola Capata, the Monitor Gallery, Rome, Stefano Chiodi, curator at the MACRO in Rome; Christian Collu, director of the Museum MART, Vincenzo De Bellis, director of the fair and Miart co-founded the non-profit center Peep-Hole, Milan; Lara Favaretto, artist, Michael Fliri, artist, and the jury was chaired by Angela Vettese and work has been conducted with the help of the staff of the Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa.
Those selected are: Valentina Calzavara, Alessia Cargnelli, Enzo Comin, Gabriele Di Martino, Valentina Furian, Enej Gala, Marco Gobbi, Andrea Magaraggia, Rachel Maistrello, Ornaghi & Prestinari, Daniele Sambo, Giovanni Sartori, Hsing Chun Shih, Emilio Vavarella.